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Inspire: Books


El poder del Hombre que Ora

La oración se convierte en el ancla de nuestra fe cuando los vientos de la vida soplan con fuerza. En los momentos de agotamiento, de crisis y de opresión, es cuando más necesitamos acudir a la presencia de Dios en oración. En estos tiempos de prueba, donde la enfermedad, las circunstnacias que enfrentan nuestros seres queridos y los desafíos espirituales que nos rodean son una ocacion para acercarnos a la oración, y es donde la búsqueda de Dios se intensifica. En medio de la tormenta, buscamos desesperadamente respuestas y soluciones, pero son pocos los que adoptan posturas tan radicales como la del venerado predicador Charles Spurgeon. Para él, la oración no era solo un acto religioso, sino un encuentro real y profundo con la presencia de Dios. Spurgeon dedicaba horas cada día a la oración, reconociendo que era el alma misma de su fe. Siguiendo los pasos de hombres de Dios como Moisés, quien se retiraba frecuentemente en busca de la presencia divina, entendemos que la oración ferviente es el camino hacia la comunión íntima con nuestro Creador y el poder que transforma vidas.

The 4x4 Leader series has the potential to raise your level of leadership to the level of a powerful machine; There is no limit to leadership, only those self-imposed by social and family conditioning, 4x4 leader came to stay as an instrument of liberation from the mental impositions of false paradigms. Become a better version of yourself by making the different teachings your horizon. Learn, grow, improve your life; the Leader who does not grow, decreases. 

Mobilization, business and entrepreneurship is the book you need to immerse yourself in God's mission from your profession, trade or business. It has the 8 keys to achieve an entrepreneurship and business from a trade, job and profession, if you want it, maybe be the best in your class in a job for life. It will challenge you to mobilize using a simple dynamic from the author's experience in his mobilization process, entering God's economy, in total dependence and absolute obedience to the Lord of the vine, to be productive moving from a trade, employment, profession to an endeavor and at the same time reach others with the gospel of Jesus Christ.


What is the Series: Lider 4x4?

We started this fascinating adventure to help you achieve your path to leadership, to live a balanced life and develop the 4x4 leader that is within you.


Rueda de ATV

MNE Book Reviews


The missionary presentation of this literary work, Mobilization, business and entrepreneurship, guarantees us a real testimony of someone who has lived and lives the mission of God from within. This is Danilo Carrillo. Really all of us who are involved in missionary life have the responsibility to tell part of our mobilization story, so that it may be of inspiration to others, with the intention of presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ as far as necessary. For this reason, we try (from reflection) to touch hearts to continue adding more and more to the mobilization. Likewise, I can remember that in August 2011 I was with Danilo at the Baptist Camp in Campo Carabobo, at the Evangelization March event, and our conversations revolved around these questions: where else should we go? more were we going to do?, and how many more were we going to involve? And, most importantly, we were sure that we had to innovate, “invent”; We knew that creativity in a postmodern world was a strategic pillar, that's why, after 2011, we traveled more, we mobilized more, we invented more, we were more creative in our mobilization. We were in other countries, in mountains, beaches, in cities, in small towns; with children, with adults, with families, with young people; in sports, in universities; with idlers, with students, in the midst of professionals and entrepreneurs... we knew that geography and demographics became missionary challenges. In short, I recommend reading this book because it presents a testimonial, practical,


biblical and missiological, to inspire us through entrepreneurship and business, so that we can mobilize more to fulfill the Great Commission.

“And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

Elier J. Romero M.

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